Everybody Hates Jeff
(In lieu of the NEWS, we offer a blog.)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Still Trucking...

I've been busy working on other projects, getting sunburned at the beach, and livi-livi-livi-living la vida loca.

But as it looks like we've abandoned this project, I'll just fill you in with a few details. We HAVE NOT abandoned EHJ. We have simply been on hiatus to restrategize. We did a screening and observed that some things just weren't working so, being the all-purpose little moviemaker, I cut that shit out. Then I added it back again - presenting the info differently. Stupid and boring details, I know. But that's what's going on, in case you're wondering.

Anyway, we're on TRACK now. Total pun intended. Soundtrack, that is.

Hold your breath. She'll be done shortly...