Everybody Hates Jeff
(In lieu of the NEWS, we offer a blog.)

Friday, January 06, 2006

And you wonder why...

things don't get done.

Let's see how well my To Do List is going.

-Finish music sample mix for Matt.
Music mix? Shit.
-Finish up Epi 2 scene.
Yes. Finished Epi 2. Hail, hail, hosa-a-a-a-a-na.
-Start Money Montage.
Realized yesterday there's a scene I forgot to enter in my shot list. Brilliant filmmaking at it's finest. Need to take care of that one before I can move on to the Money Montage. Two steps forward, three steps back.
-Buy Twinkies.
Got Ho-Hos instead.

Must complete all of this by 1/6/05.
Today is 1/6/05 and all I have to show for it is a sore throat, a runny nose, and a bad attitude. Still, I shall make another To Do List. If I keep making these, something's bound to happen. Right? Here we go...

My To Do List:
-Finish Matt's Music Mix.
-Start AND Finish Jeff House
-Start AND Finish Money Montage
-Start Surgery!

Complete by midnight, 1/9/06. Wish me luck.