Everybody Hates Jeff
(In lieu of the NEWS, we offer a blog.)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Let's Begin

Welcome to the Everybody Hates Jeff – The Diary Blog.
If you don’t have a blog yet, you and I are not in the same club. Took me a while to get here, but I’m hip to it now. And if you’re still living in the blogless world, join the revolution, my friend. Hop on board cuz this welcome wagon WILL leave without you.

I have no idea what any of that means.

HOWEVER, this blog is replacing the “NEWS” section of the website. For now, anyway. I will use this blog to communicate with all of you who passive aggressively let me know the site hasn’t been updated since…September. FYI, I know this because I update the site.

So anyway, here’s how this will hopefully work out. You will learn about the progress of the movie and what you can do to spread the word to promote this diamond in the rough. You will also learn about upcoming projects. We’ve already started pre-production on the next picture. But, most likely, you will just see what a jerk the director of Everybody Hates Jeff is (yours truly).

So thank you for tuning in and if you haven’t done so, for God’s sake, buy a t-shirt.

I love you the most,

Mabelle Reynoso