Everybody Hates Jeff
(In lieu of the NEWS, we offer a blog.)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dear Justin,

Your timing is impeccable.

This blog entry goes out to Justin who is somewhere in the world wondering what ever happened to Everybody Hates Jeff (THE MOVIE). Did he get scammed into buying some stupid t-shirt? Did he get hosed for believing that a motley crew of buttheads could actually create a whole movie? What the hell's going on here?

Justin's email demanding answers literally arrived at the EHJ HQ just as we were putting the coat and hat on this crazy project. (Coat and hat meaning the final touches.)

That's right, kid, it's DONE. Over and done with, and we are moving on.

So what happens next?

We'll try our luck at the film festivals and are tentatively scheduled to have a public screening early next year (Februaryish). In the meantime, we'll be updating the Web site, saying a few prayers, and hoping to God someone out there likes our movie.

We're also getting a jump on the next project. We're so freakin' excited about...